Sony Open in Hawaii volunteers shine a light on the Strength of Our Giving

Caring for people is what Michele Akahane, chair of the tournament's First Aid Committee and her volunteers - local firefighters, police officers and nurses - are expertly skilled in at the Sony Open in Hawaii

As a single mom who raised three sons, Michele said she was grateful that there were organizations and charities who helped her and her children.  "I wanted to find a way to repay and help the community, so I started volunteering for different charities.  I called the Sony Open in Hawaii and offered to recruit volunteers for their First Aid committee - that was 20 years ago."

"It is like a family coming together at a time like this, especially during Covid, sharing their experience, giving to the community, helping assist people.  To tell you the truth, I wasn't really expecting very many volunteers, but more than half of my volunteers coming back to the Sony Open in 2021.  They have a passion to give back.  These guys are so compassionate, they want to give back and they want to help as much as they can."

Watch Michele Akahane's message below. 

